Next 500 East Leeds homes set for green light
Along with considering the Persimmon scheme, the council will offer pre-application advice on the former Burton clothing factory’s redevelopment.
Leeds City Council’s north & east plans panel meets on 21 November to consider a docket headed by the Persimmon proposal for 528 homes south of York Road.
With outline consent already secured, reserved matters approval is expected for the plans on the northern part of Morwick Green, in the Middle Quadrant of the East Leeds Extension – the area where a raft of housebuilders are bringing forward a combined 5,000 homes in the coming years, accessed from the East Leeds Orbital Road.
The intended project is just to the north of a Taylor Wimpey development, currently under construction.
The Persimmon proposals went before the panel for a position statement in September, and passed largely without comment, although there is a concern registered by Yorkshire Water regarding trees being planted within a sewer easement. Pending resolution of that issue, the recommendation is to defer and delegate to the chief planning officer to approve.
Persimmon proposes a block of 42 flats, and 486 houses, with 39 acres given over to green space. There will be 12 one-bedroom homes, 164 two-bed, 238 three-bed and 114 four-bed. There will be 80 affordable homes on-site, in 14 clusters.
All documents relating to the plans can be viewed on Leeds City Council’s planning portal with the reference 23/00848/RM.
Consultation was launched last month on Avant Homes; proposals for the Arcadia/Burton’s site in Burmantofts, and this pre-application hearing will be part of the same process of information gathering, ahead of a planning application.
The developer is proposing up to 500 homes at the site, along with up to 8.6 acres of employment land on a site that is allocated for both purposes.
Closed in 2021, the site was once Leeds’ largest employer, with 10,000 employees. Avant bought the site, 2km east of the city centre, in 2022.