Mabgate Yard set for council decision
Leeds City Council will decide on Thursday whether to approve plans for Cheyne Capital’s 300 build-to-rent apartments and retail space at 71-73 Mabgate, Sheepscar.
Planning consultant Quod and Leeds-based architect Cunniff have also worked on the £80m project, which was initially being developed by Henry Boot before Cheyne took over last year.
Hybrid planning permission was granted in October 2023 for the conversion of the three buildings into apartments with 3,400 sq ft of retail space on the ground floor.
The meeting on Thursday will seek reserved matters approval for the detailed appearance, landscaping, layout, access, and scale. Initially due to be considered by September’s city plans panel, the item was deferred so that members could be provided with additional information around noise.
The 1.6 acre development will provide a total of 302 apartments, including a 20% affordable housing allowance, made up of 157 one-bed, 116 two-bed, and 29 three-bed flats.
The site is located on the western side of Mabgate, which was traditionally an employment and manufacturing area but has seen a number of residential developments and conversions in recent years.
Due to its proximity to the grade two-listed Hope Foundry at 69 Mabgate, which is used as a music venue by Map Charity, the project has come under scrutiny in the past, with concerns raised about the impact a residential building would have on its future as an events venue.
Full planning details can be found on LCC’s planning portal using the reference: 22/03514/FU.