The next steps for Albion Square will be discussed at the council’s cabinet meeting on Monday 24 February. Credit: HCC

Hull seeks lead developer for Albion Square project

The East Yorkshire council is starting the procurement process for development of the former BHS building and the surrounding brownfield area.

Vinci Construction, which recently removed 607,000t of asbestos from the building, will continue to manage the site until a lead developer partner is secured.

The regeneration of the city centre derelict site will complement the nearby NHS-funded community diagnostic centre, due to open this spring.

Hull City Council hopes that as well as securing external funding, this step will also bring in the external expertise needed to transform the site into a mixed-use development, comprising city centre living and attracting increased footfall.

Cllr Paul Drake-Davis, portfolio holder for regeneration and housing at the council, said: “Securing a lead developer partner is key to delivering Albion Square as successful tenders can advise on the latest market demands and help leverage external funding to help make sure the city has a worthy finished product delivered on sound financial footings.

“Since the Albion Square development’s initial inception, there have been significant shifts and changes to the economy, both locally and nationally, as well as the way people use buildings and perceive urban centres.

“The imminent arrival of the Community Diagnostic Centre on the north-eastern corner of the site has shifted the scope again, but the council welcomes the development and the benefits it will bring to the city centre in terms of footfall to support local businesses.”

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