In association with Harworth, Glencar, Aew Architects, Waterman and Brookbanks

Date: 1 May 2025, 8:00 - 12:00

Location: Bridgewater Hall, Lower Mosley St, Manchester M2 3WS

Email: [email protected]

Company: Place North West

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North West Industrial & Logistics 2025

Place Event
In association with Harworth, Glencar, Aew Architects, Waterman and Brookbanks

Date: 1 May 2025, 8:00 - 12:00

Location: Bridgewater Hall, Lower Mosley St, Manchester M2 3WS

Email: [email protected]

Company: Place North West

Always a sell-out event, this expert briefing takes the pulse of a long-underrated sector that has become arguably the strongest-performing in commercial property this century. Can logistics fortunes keep rising?

What are its prospects into the second half of this decade? Developers, agents, advisers, and architects assess the state of the market and share their tips for staying ahead of the chasing pack.

Speakers confirmed so far:

Nick Gerrard, growth and prosperity programme director, Blackpool Council
Kate Howe, development director, Tritax Big Box Developments
Tracy Clavell-Bate, head of development and acquisitions, Barnfield Construction
Emily Speak, director of asset management, Peleton Real Estate
Mat Capper, director of utilities, Brookbanks
Chris Lloyd, director, Tandem Investments

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