And finally… a lead balloon
Sheffield’s music venue The Leadmill has lost the latest round in its eviction notice bout with landlord MVL Properties, tweeting on Thursday that a judge has ruled against them.
Electric Group bought the building in 2017 and served an eviction notice to tenants The Leadmill Ltd in March 2022.
Down but not out, the Leadmill has said it will continue to operate until further notice: “While this is a challenging and upsetting moment for our venue, we want to reassure our supporters, artists, and the wider community that there is no immediate timeline for what happens next.
“Our team is actively consulting with our legal advisors to assess our next steps. We remain committed to exhausting every possible legal avenue to secure our future, retain our staff and protect our venue…
“If you hold a ticket to an event with us, please know that this is going ahead unless we say otherwise and that we shall be in touch as soon as possible if any events are effected.”
Throwing another punch, the director of The Leadmill Philip Mills recently filed a planning application to reverse some of the improvements the hospitality group has made to the venue over the years, requesting permission to demolish a toilet block and ‘return the venue to pre-leasing condition’, a move that was refused by Sheffield City Council.
A spokesperson for the Electric Group said: “We welcome the court’s consideration and careful decision to award a possession order for the Leadmill; an important ruling following difficult legal proceedings.
“The successful legal outcome paves the way for a bright future for this venue, ensuring it will receive the substantial investment it needs to thrive.
“It will continue to be a cornerstone of the live music scene in Sheffield, supporting artists, fans, and community projects for the next 100 years.”
The venue has hosted famous faces such as the Killers, Arctic Monkeys, and Kings of Leon.